Discover how systematic kinesiology can help you achieve your health goals

If you are here you are probably feeling out of balance and struggling with your health. I am here to help you on your healing journey by working out what treatment you need to support the four aspects of you: your Mental, Chemical (nutritional), Physical, and Energetic health.

Through using the wisdom of your body and the power of non-invasive muscle testing, we can discover imbalances that need correcting and work together to address the root cause of any discomfort or ill health.  We will go beyond just treating the symptoms.

Imagine if you've been struggling with bloating for a while. It could be caused by a variety of factors, such as an emotional issue or stress (Mental), sensitivity to certain foods (Chemical), physical imbalances (Physical), or blocked meridians (Energetic). Through Systematic Kinesiology, we can identify which of these layers are at play and tailor a bespoke treatment plan just for you.

Bespoke responsive treatments

Through the use of muscle testing (see ‘about Systematic Kinesiology’ for a definition) I can identify imbalances in your body and treat them to support your optimal health and wellbeing.

My treatment methods are varied and personalised to meet your unique needs. From massage, light touch and mechanical fixes whilst you lie on the couch, to supplement and lifestyle recommendations as part of your ongoing treatment plan. Many of the treatments can take place whilst you talk through any challenges you're facing in your life (or focus on them in your mind), from your past or your present.

Systematic Kinesiology is a truly whole person approach to healthcare, and it can help with a wide range of health issues. From hormonal problems and digestive problems (see below)to sleep issues, addictions, anxiety, auto-immune diseases, depression, fertility issues, menstruation issues, headaches, joint pain, and much more.  Kinesiology techniques can even reprogram negative thought patterns, improve self-talk, and help you overcome fears and phobias.

Systematic Kinesiology can help resolve:

- Negative thought patterns

- Hormonal problems

- Digestion problems

- Addictions

- Anxiety

- Depression

- Anger problems

- Fertility issues

- Menstruation issues

- Immune issues

- Fears and phobias

- Sleep issues

- Muscle pain

- Headaches/migraines

- Neck pain and back pain

- Frequent infections

- Skin issues

- Injuries/accidents 

- Joint pain (hips, shoulders, elbows, etc.)

- Fatigue

Hormonal and digestive problems

21st century living can damage and disrupt our hormones and digestion. These two systems are intrinsically linked and very key to overall wellness.  You may have heard of the gut microbiome and it’s importance. Our gut microbiome influences our immunity, our brain health, hormone production and many other aspects of our physiology. Through muscle testing I can work out whether you have an imbalanced microbiome and how best to fix it.  

I can also identify which parts/glands of your endocrine system (the system that regulates hormones) are challenged and what they need to function optimally so you can restore inner peace and balance and improve your quality of life.

Hormonal problems

The following symptoms could be related to imbalanced hormones:

- Low energy or fatigue

- Insomnia

- Undesired weight loss or gain

- Racing heart

- Nervousness / shakiness

- Irritability

- Changes in menstruation

- Mood swings

- Loss of libido

- Skin problems such as acne

‘At the heart of my approach is a belief in your body's innate wisdom and ability to heal.’

Digestive problems

The following symptoms could be related to an imbalanced digestive system:

- Bloating

- Pain

- Tired all the time

- Swollen painful joints

- Inflammation

- Indigestion

- Headaches / migraines

- Constipation / diarrhoea

- Bad breath

- Skin problems such as exczema

‘Systematic Kinesiology is a truly whole person approach to healthcare.’

“I believe that you are the expert on your own health even if you don’t feel like you are”

Food sensitivity testing Are you feeling tired, bloated, achy, or experiencing skin issues or low mood? It could be that certain foods are contributing to these symptoms in your body.  I am here to help you identify these sensitivities and create a personalised plan to support your digestive health.

Through muscle testing I can identify which foods are biocidic (detrimental to your health) and may be contributing to your symptoms. We can even work out which organs in your body are most affected by the food that you are sensitive to. From there, we can work together to create a plan that helps you avoid the foods that negatively affect your body and to increase your consumption of the foods that will improve your health.

And if you already suspect certain foods might be causing issues, you can bring them to your appointment for testing. With Systematic Kinesiology, I can help you identify the unique needs of your body and help you make informed choices about what to eat to support your vibrant health and wellbeing.

Food sensitivity testing

The following symptoms could be related to food sensitivity:

- Tired all the time

- Bloating

- Pain

- Joint ache

- Loose or constipated stools

- Skin issues

- Low mood

- Headaches

Moving forward

If you are tired of feeling out of balance and struggling with your health and wellbeing, Systematic Kinesiology can transform your life by working with the innate wisdom of your body to restore balance and support optimal health.

When imbalances are corrected, clients often experience a deep sense of relief and profound improvement in their overall sense of wellbeing - even after just one treatment. And the best part? Our bodies have their own intelligence and wisdom, and with the help of Systematic Kinesiology, we can tap into this wisdom to support your healing journey.

Our bodies have their own agenda and priorities, and sometimes we can get in the way of that with our busy lives or lack of knowledge about how to support our health. But with Systematic Kinesiology, I can help you understand what your body needs to get back into balance and good health.

As a rule of thumb, our bodies like to be put 'right' in a particular order, and Systematic Kinesiology can help us identify this order to support your healing journey. 

So if you're ready to tap into the power of your body's wisdom and transform your health, book a free 20-minute introductory call with me today.