Discover the power of systematic kinesiology

Kinesiology is a natural and comprehensive healthcare system that uses gentle muscle testing to evaluate the body's functions and determine the necessary treatment to support health. Kinesiology is accessible to everyone; babies, elders, men and women.

Back in 1964, a health pioneer named Dr. George Goodheart discovered a range of principles called Applied Kinesiology. These principles use specific muscle tests to 'read' the human body and identify the root cause of any discomfort or ill health. And in 1980, Brian Butler added to Goodheart's work by creating MCPE Systematic Kinesiology - the type of Kinesiology I offer.

Systematic Kinesiology addresses your Mental(M), Chemical(C), Physical(P), and Energetic(E) health - all of which are interrelated. By addressing all aspects of your health simultaneously, Systematic Kinesiology truly offers a whole-person form of healthcare. It's not just about treating the symptoms - it's about identifying the underlying causes and working to bring your mind and body into balance.

How does systematic kinesiology work?

Gentle, non-invasive muscle testing and treatment for optimal health

This integrated healthcare system using MCPE takes a unique approach to restoring, supporting, and maintaining your health. This is done by honouring your bio uniqueness and offering a bespoke approach tailored to your specific needs.

Through the power of non-invasive muscle testing SK helps your body reveal imbalances that need correcting and identifies the relevant treatments based on your unique feedback. Say goodbye to the guesswork of healthcare and hello to a personalised solution that takes the practitioner's opinion out of the equation. 

How does muscle testing work?

Muscle testing taps into the biochemical feedback of the body and shows us what is going on inside. Gentle pressure is applied to a particular part of the body (mainly arms and legs) whilst the client tries to resist this pressure. The result will be that the client can resist (a strong result) by locking on their muscle or, the muscle will be unable to resist (a weak result). The result of the muscle test has nothing to do with whether a person has been working out, or has big muscles, the results are a reading of what is actually going on within the systems of the body. 

No more standing in front of a supplement section in a health food shop trying to guess what your body might need or endlessly scrolling the internet for answers. Muscle testing can even show us what minerals or vitamins you might be deficient in and what supplements you need to increase these levels so you feel better, sleep better and improve your quality of life. Systematic Kinesiology and muscle testing can guide you to exactly what your body needs. 

And the best part? Systematic Kinesiology supports all aspects of you – your hormones, your gut, your nerves, your joints, your blood, lymphatics, meridians, cerebral spinal fluid, nutrition, and emotions. By addressing all these elements simultaneously, Systematic Kinesiology offers a truly whole-person approach to healthcare. Click below if you would like to find out more with a free 20 minute call.